ஞாயிறு, 29 ஜூலை, 2007


Recently i went to Veerappur near manapparai with my mother and family. Tere you may know ponnan sankar temple is there. while returning my mother and other old lady in the bus shared their three days trip from karur to veerappur at their child hood nearly fourty years ago. they told that they travel all the distance nearly 90 km in one day and spend one day in temple and for returning one day. the vehicle is KATTAVANDI hope u know the wheel is made of wood and is pulled by cattles. but i too remebered in my child hood nearly 20 years ago i have seen soem kattavandi in my locality for the trasnport of farm(agricultural) needs and others. but for the past five years i havent seen any such katta vandi or not even TYREVANDI in my locality. suddlenly a;; of them vanished and replaced by minidor or triwheel autos and chinnayaanai(a vehicle advertised so).is it the smae case is your place too? share your viesws if u find this woth to discuss.

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